Available Data for AR6

The documentation and archival of data and software relevant for the AR6 was enhanced compared to previous assessment cycles. FAIR Data Guidelines for AR6 were developed with the purpose for enhanced transparency and accessibility of digital information and improved traceability and reproducibility of IPCC findings. The general approach is outlined in Stockhause et al. (2019, doi:http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2019-020). The available digital information was collected during the assessment cycle as a best effort and was then prepared for long-term curation by the IPCC Data Distribution Centre (DDC). This information includes the AR6 Working Group I Interactive Atlas, input datasets provided by research projects, intermediate datasets that have been post-processed by authors as part of the report preparation, the analysis scripts created and applied by the IPCC authors and the resulting final datasets displayed in AR6 figures and tables. The DDC is operated collaboratively by MetadataWorks (MDW), Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum (DKRZ), the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) in coordination with the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA).

Working Group I AR6 Data

Working Group I (WGI) provides Supplementary Material Tables in the digital version of the AR6 WGI with detailed provenance information for each chapter of the report. The FAIR Guidelines have been followed as part of the WGI report preparation, including for the Interactive Atlas hosted by CSIC, the long-term archives for input and intermediate datasets hosted by DKRZ and CSIC, and for final datasets hosted by CEDA, as well as scripts archived by the WGI GitHub repository and published with Zenodo:

  • Interactive Atlas (This allows exporting images and underlying data for the maps).
  • Final datasets for figures and tables
  • Code is archived on the WGI GitHub repository
  • Input datasets:
    • Subset of the data from the research project Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) (data archival in progress)
    • Subset of the data from the research project Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) (data archival in progress)
  • Intermediate datasets post-processed by the IPCC authors
    • AR6 WGI Interactive Atlas dataset: Monthly gridded values for the 22 variables and impact-relevant indices included in the Interactive Atlas.
    • AR6 WGI constrained datasets: global mean surface temperature, global mean sea level rise, global mean ocean heat content (data archival in progress).
  • Further intermediate datasets are published through Zenodo

Working Group II AR6 Data:

Working Group II (WGII) provides final datasets for data-driven figures, particularly geospatial datasets, and those corresponding to the climate change risk assessments, colloquially known as “Burning embers”.

These final datasets are hosted by MetadataWorks and input datasets hosted by CIESIN:

Selected important input datasets:

Working Group III AR6 Data

The FAIR Guidelines of Working Group III (WGIII) cover the final data for all Summary for Policymakers (SPM) figures and tables, and most of figures and tables in the Technical Summary (TS) where applicable. These datasets are hosted by MetadataWorks. Input data on scenarios are hosted by IIASA (International Institute for Applied System Analysis). Emissions input data by EDGAR (the Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research) are made publicly available on Zenodo by the relevant authors:

Special Reports

Selected datasets are provided for Special Reports. Specifically, these include input data from a climate-model intercomparison relevant for the Special Report: Global Warming of 1.5 ºC and the final data for a Summary for Policymakers (SPM) figure from the Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate. The datasets are hosted by DKRZ and MetadataWorks. The datasets include: